Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Nicaragua, before

OK, I did it.  I googled myself.  And this article, in the arts magazine Bourgeon, was one of the first listings.  (hint:  all the words in light purple  are links)

It reminds me of the exhilaration I felt during my time living in Nicaragua.
our house - I got to paint it!

 It reminds me of all the petty inconveniences that I sort of
                  relished even as I complained because
                  it felt more solid than 'America'

It reminds me of my horror and outrage at
     seeing anew (of course I'd
             seen it before)
    violence against women, at the almost
           casual acceptance (by men in power) of
                     sexual abuse of children
        often by people related to them
    but in Nicaragua I had
   constructive opportunities to express that outrage

It reminds me of discovering myself as a talented performance artist, not
              just a           mediocre               choreographer

It reminds me of the creative excitement opportunity I found in 
        garbage, and how
                   happy I was working in a dump.

It reminds me too that a sense of
     humor and   curiosity
   about (at least some) cultural
                          differences will get me              further than will
   feeling annoyed and

This is a link to an article I wrote, partly about how amazingly creative I felt in Nicaragua before the accident.


  1. Still processing. This post and your article, echoing, conversing with each other...
    I kinda just want to say holy shit.

    This is brilliant work, performances, love the cutpiece redo. Your writing, there is such a raw immediacy that DC could not have unleashed. A bold and rewarding move for you methinks. Fearless, humor and acting outside the cultural, gendered boxes. (this confuses the enemy, throws them off beam and is a favourite pastime of mine).

    Very very good to hear you.

  2. Thank you! I read you also have done some performance? Is it documented anywhere online? Would love to see!

  3. I made a straitjacket and "headcase", I'll post a picture. The straitjacket I wore around my downtown, but didn't think to document at the time. On my facebook page (sorry) I have a short clip about a piece I did called Lost &found about littering in a local park. Take care!
